by Chrys Taboada Last month, we talked about metanoia. It is a life-changing event in a person’s life. A moment in my life where I experienced a metanoia, where I was affected by Jesus, is when I started helping with Our Lady of Sorrows Food Pantry. This moment was not a life-altering moment, but it did change me. Two years ago in September 2013, Father Budiyanto wanted a young adult to go a food pantry meeting hosted by the Diocese of Honolulu’s Social Ministry. The young adult he asked couldn’t do it, so when I was asked, I said yes. That “yes” initiated the sequence of events that would resurrect the OLS Food Pantry. The meeting that I volunteered was at Our Lady of Good Counsel in Pearl City. It was there that I heard Our Lady of Sorrows closed down the food pantry for a few months. The Diocese of Honolulu’s Social Ministry Food Pantry meeting was a talk-story format. I was listening to the other parishes from the Central and Leeward Vicariates talk about how they run their food pantries. With the help of the Holy Spirit, my mother and I saved the OLS Food Pantry. When we give out the bags on the last Saturday of the month, I can feel the people being moved by our generosity. They were thanking me for my service. The elderly and poor really do rely on this Food Pantry Ministry every month. I learned that the OLS Food Pantry had been established since 2008. It has been under new management since May 2014. As a Central District distribution point of Hawaii Food Bank, we distribute food to people in need. Food brings people together. We do need to unite the ministries of OLS to bring more people together through food that we receive from God. We each need to feed just one person of any age. As the EPIC representative working with the Food Pantry, I have seen the importance of keeping this ministry. Food is an essential to survive. It nourishes our body received from the Body of Christ. It gives us life and energy that we must give to all. OLS Food Pantry is an avenue to help save lives. We serve God by serving others. We cannot let the needy down by not sharing our canned foods.
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August 2023
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